Istrocon 2001 – program a změny v něm

Tento týden od 14. do 16. se bude v Bratislavě konat Istrocon 2001. Zde přinášíme informace o změnách v programu. Jde především o neúčast zahraničních hostů z USA.

S ľútosťou všetkým fanúšikom seriálu Babylon 5 oznamujeme, že pán Stephen Austin, ktorý v seriáli stvárnil postavu PakMaRanského veľvyslanca, na Istrocon nemôže prísť. Aby ste si vytvorili vlastný obraz o jeho pocitoch a situácii v USA, tu je jeho vyjadrenie, ktoré poslal Martine Pilcerovej, organizátorke Istroconu zodpovednej za zahraničných hostí:

“Dear Martina. As you have heard, we in the U.S. are trying to make sense of what has happened today. There is a great deal of sadness and uncertainty in the air. The reprecussions, so far, are as follows: – Air travel in the U.S. has been halted for today. It appears that this will continue through until tomorrow. How much longer after that is not known. – Many of the people on the planes that were used by these cowards, were from the Los Angeles area. There is speculation that many from the entertainment industry may be among those killed. Are community is holding its collective breath until we know for sure. – Many of us have friends and colleagues who live and work in the New York area. We are waiting to hear on their status.

I am so sorry, Martina, but you are correct. I will not be able to travel at this time. I very much looked forward to meeting you and seeing your country. If your event were to be postponed, I still would like to visit. If not this year, maybe next. I realize how hard you and your staff worked to make my arrangements. I am flattered and grateful. My regrets are only compounded by the fact that I had the opportunity to be with Ted Raimi in Atlanta, last week. He spoke so very highly of you and your show that I couldnt wait to go. Please stay in touch. Ive enjoyed “talking” with you over these past few weeks. Warmest regards. Stephen.”

Keďže niektoré body Istroconu boli kvôli účasti Stephena Austina špeciálne pripravené na tému seriálu Babylon 5, fanúšikovia tejto série si určite nájdu v programe práve to, čo ich zaujíma. V týchto chvíľach (v stredu v noci) hľadáme možné východiská, a rozmýšľame nad možnosťami, ktoré sa nám stále naskytujú. O výsledkoch vás budeme určite ihneď informovať.

Organizátori Istroconu

Takže nám z Londýna pisal Harry Harrison: “I have talked with the airport and as of now all flights are leaving on time for Vienna.  But I will get to the airport early tomorrow just in case. I will call the airport again in the morning just to make sure–and email you the results. Harry.”
Myslím, že k tomu nie je čo dodať. Držte palce ďalej.


V piatok 14.9.2001 o 10:00 bude prebiehať online diskusia s americkým spisovateľom Harry Harrisonom, na stránke Otázky budú tlmočené do anglického jazyka.

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